For the analysis, the best thing is for you to stand in
front of a mirror. Now, smile at yourself using your "normal" smile. Next, look
at the mirror & think of a hilarious moment in your life & give a big,
laughing smile. This big smile is probably a much larger smile than you feel
comfortable using much of the time if you are not happy with your teeth. When
your smile is improved, however, your big smile appears more spontaneously
because you look (& feel) great as the self confidence boosts up! So let's
figure out what's holding your big smile back what it is that bothers you about
your teeth. |
- Are all of your teeth white or are they somewhat yellow, dark, or stained?
- Are there any spaces between your teeth?
- Do you have any missing teeth?
- Do you have teeth that are crooked, zig zag, or out of line from others?
- Do the biting edges of your upper teeth follow the curvature of your upper
- When compared to other teeth, do any of your teeth appear short & wide or
too small or too large?
- Are the edges of any of your teeth too long or too short?
- Do your teeth (as a group) slant one way or another?
- Is the mid line of your two front teeth centered with your face and nose?
- Are the edges of your canine teeth too long, sharp, or they look out of
- Do you grind your teeth or are any of the biting edges on your teeth chipped
or worn down?
- Do you have a "gummy" smile -- showing too much gum tissue or having gums
that are too thick?
- Are your gums even & in line & symmetrical or irregularly shaped &
higher on some teeth & lower on others?
- Have your gums receded or do they appear red or puffy?
- Does any tooth looks longer than other teeth?
- Do you have any gray, black or silver (mercury) dental fillings in your
- Do you have any old crowns that have dark edges at the top or that don't
really look natural?
- Does your gums look more darker or grayish instead of natural pink colour.
- Is your mouth free of decay or gum disease that can cause bad breath ?
If you answered YES to ANY of the above questions, it's the time to
get the problem corrected & have a more beautiful smile. |